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Generational Revival NOW!

Our Story

How We Got Started

In 2021 it became evident that The Lord was calling Father Jon Aamodt to focus his ministry on grassroots generational revival and harvest.


In 2021 Archbishop Wayne Boosahda consecrated Fr. Jon as a missionary bishop. Jon was commissioned to work across denominational lines and help light fires of revival, help raise up new leaders for this new apostolic (missionary) age, and help equip the people of the Church for living in this new post-Christian era.


In response to his commission, Fr. Jon developed the Hope on THE WAY Ministries, with the "hope" that it would be a catalyst for promoting generational revival, and help encourage and equip the Church in the power and gifts of The Holy Spirit.

The Problem & The Promise

The Problem: The age of Christendom is over. The Church and the teachings of the Christian faith no longer hold places of prominence in our rapidly growing "post-Christian" culture. Many folks have a "Christian memory" but neither the Church, nor the Christian faith, have little perceived relevance in the lives of multitudes of secular people.


The PromiseThere's an old saying "Every cloud has a silver lining".  In the light of the collapse of Christendom in Western culture, it's becoming harder to be a nominal Christian.  In fact, the "cancel culture" is coming after the faithful Church. Following Christ is now "counter cultural". The faithful Church is now the radical Church.


This is the promise that Christ gave to His Church: “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. " ".... make disciples... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Mk. 16:15, Mt. 28:19-20). 


The Age of Christendom has ended and we have begun a new apostolic (missionary) age, and like the early Church, Christ is calling us to radical commitment and missional living.


Even so, in this time of upheaval, people are searching for HOPE and TRUTH, and the WAY to LIFE (Jn. 14). Jesus and His Church are who they need most.

Ministry DNA

Bold Proclamation. "Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13

We believe that this generation neither needs, nor wants, a felt needs, attractional, "gospel".  Rather, they are open to hearing a radical, life giving, life changing message about sin, forgiveness, redemption, and selfless devotion to Jesus.


Welcoming all the Ministry of Jesus as Portrayed in the Life of Christ and the Early Church

Evangelical Ministry


Sacramental Ministry

Spirit Filled Ministry

" the power of signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God—so that from Jerusalem and all the way around to Illyricum I have fulfilled the ministry of the gospel of Christ." Ro. 15:19

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